“People often ask me how it is that I seem to be so much at peace. There is a primary reason — and it is available to all who wish to have it. Here’s a simple prerequisite to attaining peace at that level. I invite you to observe the beasts, birds and fish and let them teach you. Let this be a daily routine and life, as you know it, will never be the same.”
– Eddie Bo

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Day 270 - A Quick One

Yesterday morning while I was out in Goleta I got a message from Peter Gaede that there was a Vesper Sparrow at Elings Park - about a mile from my house.  This is a bird I have yet to find this year.  Arrgh!

I went there this morning to see if perhaps it was still around.  Heading up to the top of the park where Peter found the sparrow I saw a dozen or more Western Meadowlarks.  These seem to be coming back to the park for the winter season.  A couple of weeks ago there were few, if any, around.

I arrived at the spot and began looking.  I saw a bird with some white on the tail walking through the fennel.  I assumed it was another Meadowlark.  But when I looked closely I saw it was actually a sparrow with a white eye-ring.  The Vesper Sparrow!  Quite literally the first bird I saw after beginning the search.  I followed it around for awhile hoping for a photo opportunity but it did not cooperate.

I arrived back home shortly after 8AM.  One of the shortest hunts this year.

No photos from today.

After the addition of this 1 species, the year's total stands at 253

Today I rode a total of 2.6 miles

More later,


  1. An homage to The Who. Nice that you still keep them in your thoughts!

  2. Nick - perhaps a more complete title would be "A Quick One - While I Was Away"
