“People often ask me how it is that I seem to be so much at peace. There is a primary reason — and it is available to all who wish to have it. Here’s a simple prerequisite to attaining peace at that level. I invite you to observe the beasts, birds and fish and let them teach you. Let this be a daily routine and life, as you know it, will never be the same.”
– Eddie Bo

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day 60 - Goleta Beach

This morning the weather forecast was for showers.  But when I looked outside it seemed pretty nice to me so I decided to go on a little outing.  After sitting around yesterday shuffling papers I felt the need to get outside.

At the moment there are only a few species around that I have not already seen this year.  As you know I have basically given up on a couple of those, which further limits the opportunities.  Soon the spring migrants will start arriving and this will change. I decided to head to Goleta Beach for a quick look.  I was not really expecting to find any new species for the year, but one never knows!  One thing I do know, I am very unlikely to find any sitting around the house.

It was a beautiful morning for an outing.  Views of the Channel Islands were crystal clear and a layer of puffy clouds was building over the mountains.  There were a decent, though not outstanding, variety of birds to be found at Goleta Beach.  Nesting season is underway at the Great Blue Heron rookery, several of these gangly giants were carrying sticks back to the nest.  A pair of Kingfishers were coming in and out of their nesting hole.  Bird love was in the air.

After making a circuit of the park and finding nothing out of the ordinary, I decided to look for the Tufted Duck on the way home.  It has recently been reported in Atascadero Creek, which terminates at the slough adjacent to Goleta Beach.  I made my way upstream and located "Tuftie" about half a mile from the beach.  I have seen him a couple times this year, but it is always nice to spend some quality time with a rare bird.  I sat on the bank and watched him for awhile - dozing, preening, and diving.

No new birds today but I felt that did not matter as it was a nice outing nonetheless.

A few photos from today:

Royal Tern

Heermann's Gull

Lesser Scaup (Female)

Tufted Duck

After today, the year's total still stands at 180. 

Today I rode 19.6 miles

More later,


  1. Hey Glenn -- Following closely from Vilnius, where there're nothing but Tits Tits and more Tits, for the cold moment. Wish I were there!


  2. Thanks Nick, now we have an international audience! Good luck with the cold and Tits. Glenn
